Literature Review Analisis Sistem Pelepasan Informasi Medis di Rumah Sakit

Prima Soultoni Akbar, Tsalits Maulidah Hariez, Jupriyono - -, Moh Zainol Rachman


The release of medical information must follow the applicable procedures because medical record information is confidential and must be protected from unauthorized parties. The purpose of this study was to analyze the procedures for releasing medical information in hospitals to ensure the confidentiality of medical records. This literature review was conducted through a literature study of 6 journal articles that matched the inclusion an exclusion criteria. Literature searh using Google Scholar database with the keywords “Disclosure of Medical Information AND Confidentiality of Medical Records and Hospitals”. The strategy used in the for journal articles is to use the PICO framework. The results showeed that ecery health care facility made a protocal regarding the release of medical information based on applicable regulation. The parties allowed in the release of medical information are the applicant, the medical record officer and the heas of the health service facility. The procedure for releasing medical information for insurance purpose is accompanied by the requirements for a power of attorney, for the purpose of visum et repertum accompanied by an official application letter from the police, and for the purpose of research is accompanied by a cover letter from an academic institution. The standard procedure that handles the implementation of the release of medical information should be improved and pay more attention to tha requirements for requesting medical information by the applicant to reduce the misuse of medical information by unauthorized parties..


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